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October 2019

Do you ever wonder where it all comes from ? All this aaay-ing and tirititran-ing and stomping the floor like angry bulls ?


Do you ever wonder what the difference is between a Tango and a Tanguillo ? A Solea por Bulerias and a Buleria por Solea ? A Martinete and a Toná ?


Do you ever wonder why the singing part always sounds so similar and yet so difficult to grasp ?


One thing is for sure. Flamenco is more than music : it's a culture. In order to dance, sing or play guitar with a group, one has to know at least the basics of who-does-what, and when, and why.


This is what Theory and Practice of Flamenco is about. It's about understanding the origins, the vocabulary and the patterns.

It's not a class for singers (although, trust me, you will sing). It's a class for all Flamenco lovers who wish to understand a little better what is going on in a tablao before learning 15-minute choreographies or superhero-falsetas.


This 2 hour workshop will be held in a private studio with ideal acoustics. Our first session will be dedicated to the delicious, versatile and (not so) binary family of Tientos/Tangos/Tanguillos.


And remember : Flamenco is simple, but it doesn't mean it's easy !

Singing workshop starting on August 28th



I'm organizing a singing workshop for all Flamenco lovers out there : dancers, singers, guitarists, violin players, jiggers, lawyers, doctors, astronauts...

The goal is for you to get comfortable with the melody, the structure and the rhythm of one particular style, as it would be sung in a traditional and professional setting. We will also focus on flamenco vocal technique and palmas.

For this first workshop, we shall dive into the sunny world of Alegrías and Bulerías de Cádiz.

Welcome to Alvaro's brand new website !

A Flamenco singer needs a voice, courage, faith...but he also needs a website.


So here it goes.


On this website will find all you need to know about me : my upcoming shows, the classes I'm giving, my biography... You'll find pictures and videos of my work, and my contact info.


Thank you for supporting me. Have a very pleasant day!

New show : "FlamenCohen"

Hello everyone,


I am currently working on a set of flamenco interpretations of Leonard Cohen songs.


Making my two eternal loves meet is far from being an easy task, but I'll sure give it a try. After all, Enrique Morente did it, so why not me?


"Because you are not nearly as good as Enrique Morente", haters will say.


Well, what can we do against haters ?

Sing to them.


(Preferably Leonard Cohen songs.)

(In flamenco form.)

New show : "Transiciones 2"

In the fall of 2018, I've started a fascinating collaboration with guitarist Dominique Soulard and dancer Aurélie Brunelle.


For months, we worked in the studio, searching for the perfect melody, the right lyric, the thrilling guitar solo and the groundbreaking footwork. We crossed lines, broke down barriers and had a few glasses of wine.


The result is a show that we are extremely proud of, and that has already been presented - to very positive reception - in Toronto, Ottawa and even Dunham.


Montreal should be next... Stay tuned!

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